ANCIENT CRAFT MASONS commenced their era with the creation of the world, calling it Anno Lucis (A.I.) “in the year of light”. Lodges F. & A.M. hold “Communications”. Add 4000 to 2014 equals A.I. 6014.
ROYAL ARCH MASONS date from the year the second temple was commenced by Zerubbabel, Anno Inventionis (A.I.) “in the year of Discovery”. Chapters R.A.M. hold Convocations”. Add 530 to 2014 equals A.L. 2544.
ROYAL AND SELECT MASTERS date from the year in which the temple of Solomon was completed, Anno Depositionis (A. Dep.), “in the year of the Deposit”. Council of R. & S.M. hold “assemblies”. Add 1000 to 2014 equals A. Dep. 3014.
KNIGHTS TEMPLAR commenced their era with the organization of their Order, Anno Ordinis (A.O.), “in the year of the Order”. Commanderies K.T. hold “Conclaves”. Subtract 1118 from 2014 equals A.O. 896.
ORDER OF THE HIGH PRIESTHOOD dates from the year of the blessing of Abraham by the High Priest Melchizedek, Anno Benedictionis (A.B.), “in the year of the Blessing”. Council of Anointed High Priest hold “Convocation”. Add 1913 to 2014 equals A.B. 3927.
RED CROSS OF CONSTANTINE dates from the year of the foundation of the Order after the Battle of Saxa Rubra, October 28, 312 A.D. near Rome and the official recognition of the Christian religion by Emperor Constantine, Anno Ordinis “in the year of the Order”. From the Christian era subtract 313 year from 2014 equals 1701.